{Potential Analysis} Do you own your potential?

„People change when they realize how much potential they have to change reality.“ Paulo Coelho

Jessie, Destination Glamour Experience 2018
Jessie, Destination Glamour Experience 2018 at Netherlands Coasts Styling by INES SCHÄFER HMUA by MAKEUP BEAUTY AND MORE BY JESSIE PETERS Photography by INES SCHAEFER PORTRAITURE


A little motivation for you for the weekend – what are your thoughts? I am under the impression that we often don´t realzie the true purpose of our lives and simply do not use our full potential, be it because of our family or social environment.

Why is that? I think about it a lot, since with years of „self development“ I have learned that I am ALWAYS able to rewrite my own story – and above all, that ONLY I can do that for me!

I myself set my own limits and tell myself over and over again the same stories of „failure“ or „not good enough“! Neither my family nor my environment does that to me – only I can hold myself responsible for that fact. And trust me, it’s a constant fight against this inner voices that are trying to tell you that you can not do this or that or that it’s doomed to fail. But this fight is worth it, because what could  there be better than that dreams and wishes are fulfilled, BECAUSE you have BELIEVED in herself and have STRUGGLED and worked hard for it.

If we stop with this negative „self-talk“ a very big step in the right direction has already been taken. Looking in the mirror in the morning and not fooling yourself into thinking that it’s going to be a bad day, but a good day and you just look at yourself with softer eyes and a little more love is a good contribution to a more positive mindset and the mood will be a lot better.

Once we begin to realize and tap into our full potential, we can make dreams come true, we can start getting out of our own way and achieve great things.

When do you start with it? What is your hidden potential?