Obviously a move abroad comes with a lot of new things towards a business owner and it might or might not be a pleasure to work through all the bureaucracy and everything, that comes along with moving to a different country.
You might have hear me say that this move is essentially like a new Expat assignment, just in my own country as we literally moved to an entirely new place in Germany, I´ve never been before. So back to zero and settling in with both your family AND your business at the same time can get quite… exhausting at times. Needless to say that I keep pushing through any obstacle, because I know, that my service is needed here and that there are people out here, that want to be seen.

So what I was trying to do here was actually moving my business not only physically but also on the map (aka Google Maps), which didn´t allow me to do so as I moved abroad *oh bummer*… So I lost all my reviews I had on Google Maps (which weren´t a lot anyways and I wanted to change that, too) and I had to restart there as well (thanks Lord for letting me change the address so simply on my Facebook Page at least!!)

Now I would need YOUR help out there and get my ship going again by simply clicking the bottom image and leaving me a review on Google Maps, if we had the pleasure to work with each other already- and if you are German, please leave a german review instead of an english one, that would help tremendously 😀
Thanks for your support at this end and I am sure, very soon I will be able to show you a little more of that place which is pinned red in the bottom image- so super exited about what´s coming… stay tuned!