„My promise to you is to reconnect you with the inner beauty of your truest self.“ Ines Schaefer
Are you a woman putting everything else first before you? Juggling everyday life to its fullest to get the schedules of the kids organized? Trying to stay up with the laundry and chores every. single. day? Being that wonderful entertainer for the guests, hubby invited over or constantly on the run to get everything done? Sometimes even getting frustrated because everyone around you seems to take you and your efforts for granted? Do you miss sometimes having just a little downtime only for yourself?
Let me tell you what: You are not alone! I am sure, pretty much every woman that has to raise a family knows exactly, what we are talking about and how you feel right now. I myself know that feeling from time to time since I am the only woman in my household amongst my two sons and my husband. For this reason I know, how much it means to have a day off of all the responibilities and just enjoying yourself without having to think of anything else, that have to be done.
Let´s take it a step further. Just close your eyes and imagine ONE day just for YOU, and the whole day is only ABOUT you- wouldn´t that be just fabulous? Meeting with some girl friends or with your sister and having fun and celebrating yourself, how does that sound? Getting a beautiful makeup and having the hair done and even getting to choose from some beautiful custom made gown to put on and feel like a princess for one day, isn´t that just a auspicious prospect of a perfect girls day out? And the very best is yet to come! You´ll gonna get the most beautiful portraits you´ve ever seen of yourself, and that is a promise! How would you like that?
Let me introduce you to Betsy. She is exactly that kind of woman I described earlier, a woman that always puts everyone else in the first place. She´s mom of two boys and like me surrounded by only male humans in her household

I invited her to do a Glamour Session with me as I know the busy life she has and I just wanted to give her a little love with the experience of the whole day together. I enjoyed chatting with her, doing her makeup and hair and then put her in some of the dresses I have on my Style Rack and we had a blast! But see yourself.
You deserve to celebrate yourself for what you are. You are beautiful woman and my promise to you is to reconnect you with the inner beauty of your truest self. Because you are worth it.